주 제: Coercion and Consent: A Comparative Study of Mass Dictatorship
일 시: 2003. 10. 24~26.
장 소: 한양대학교 대학원 6층 화상회의실
1. Western European Session - Friday, October 24
Chair : Konrad H. Jarausch(ZZF in Potsdam) 10:40-10:50 Refreshments
10:50-11:30 Germany(Michael Wildt, Hamburger Institut Fuer Sozialforschung)
“The National Socialist Volkgemeinschaft - a new political order”
11:30-12:10 Italy(Yong-Woo Kim, Hanyang University)
“From Coerced Consensus to Cultural Consnsus Some Consideration on Consensus Studies of Fascism”
12:10-13:40 Lunch Break
13:40-14:20 Spain(Young-Jo Hwangbo, Hanyang University)
“Coercion and Consent in Francoism: a historiographic overview”
14:20-15:00 Austria(Mizuno Hiroko, Osaka University)
15:00-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-16:00 Germany and Britain(Stefan Berger, Univ. of Glamorgan)
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-18:00 Open Discussion
18:30-21:00 Reception by the President of Hanyang University,
Chong Yang Kim
2. Eastern European Session - Saturday, October 25
Chair : Ozawa Hiroaki(Chiba University)
10:00-10:20 Refreshments
10:20-11:00 Soviet Union(Alexandr Golubev, Institute of Russian History in Moscow)
“Stalinism and Soviet Society”
11:00-11:40 Ukaraine(Volodymyr Kravechenko, Kharviv National University)
11:40-13:10 Lunch Break
13:10-13:50 Poland(Katarzyna Sobolewska, Cracou Pedagogical Academy)
“Victims or Coresponsibles?”
13:50-14:30 Czechoslovakia(Shinohara Taku, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies)
“Historical Consciousness in Czech Society before and after the November 1989″
14:30-14:50 Coffee Break
14:50-15:30 East Germany(Martin Sabrow, ZZF in Potsdam)
“Coercion and Consent. The GDR Case”
15:30-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:30 Open Discussion
3. Asian Session - Sunday, October 26
Chair : Jie-Hyun Lim(Hanyang University)
10:00-10:20 Refreshments
10:20-11:00 Japan(Nakano Toshio, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Languages)
“Total War System in Japan”
11:00-11:40 South Korea(Byung-ju Hwang, Hanyang Univ. and Nam-Hee Lee, UCLA)
“The Discourse of Egalitarianism in the Modernization Project of the Park Chung Hee Era”
11:40-13:10 Lunch Break
13:10-14:30 Open Discussion
14:30-14:40 Coffee Break
4. Round Table - Sunday, October 26
Chair : Sakai Naoki(Cornell University) and Jie-Hyun Lim(Hanyang University)
14:40-15:10 Film presentation : The Collective Historical Guilt(Sakai Naoki)
15:10-17:30 Final Discussion